Reports on AI consciousness and welfare
Taking AI Welfare Seriously. arXiv:2411.00986. 2024. [link]
Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Science of Consciousness. arXiv:2308.08708. 2023. [link]
Articles by theme
On AI:
Principles for Responsible AI Consciousness Research (with Ted Lappas). Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, forthcoming. [preprint]
The Agency in Language Agents. Inquiry (SI: Mind, Language and AI), forthcoming (online 2024). [published version]
AI Assertion (with Emanuel Viebahn). Ergo, forthcoming. [preprint]
Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Agency. Mind & Language 39(1): 22-38. 2024. [postprint] [published version]
Machine Learning, Functions and Goals. Croatian Journal of Philosophy (papers from Kathy Wilkes Memorial Conference) 22(3): 351-370. 2022. [published version]
Sharing Our Concepts with Machines. Erkenntnis 88: 3079-3095. 2023 (online 2021). [postprint] [published version]
AI Alignment and Human Reward. Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society (AIES '21), 437-445. 2021. [postprint] [published version]
On representation:
Directive Content. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102(1): 2-26. 2021. [postprint][published version]
Cognitive Models are Distinguished by Content, not Format. Philosophy of Science 88(1): 83-102. 2021. [postprint] [published version]
Representation and the Active Consumer. Synthese 197: 4533-4550. 2020 (online 2018). [postprint] [published version]
On desire:
Why Hunger is not a Desire. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8(3): 617-635. 2017. [postprint] [published version]
Normal and Addictive Desires (with David Papineau). In Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the Relationship, eds. Nick Heather & Gabriel Segal, Oxford University Press. 2016. [postprint] [published version]
On consciousness in non-human animals:
Sentience Criteria to Persuade the Reasonable Sceptic (response to Crump et al., 'Sentience in Decapod Crustaceans'). Animal Sentience 32(21). 2022. [published version]
Affective Experience and Evidence for Animal Consciousness. Philosophical Topics 48(1): 109-127. 2020. [postprint] [published version]
Ph.D. Thesis
The Direction of Fit of Desire. Ph.D. thesis, King’s College, London, 2015. [link]